Saturday, 19 May 2012


Starting to feel as if I may actually be getting somewhere with this project now, despite the horribly slow start. I think it is a massive improvement on the NHS-esque graphics of the previous designs and has the potential to look much more professional. Thank atoms for simple vectors and great colours. Personally I dont think it will take too long to rework the other articles to make them look much better. I will also be reworking the cover illustrations as they look shit. Sorry to say shit but that is what they are. They dont demonstrate who I am and how I work, so I will be trying to reprimand that in the few days left until the final crit. I started by just adding more lines, colouring patterns/textures that are default in illustrator since I found out how to do it, and they look miles better when you can customise them. I think that if I try to not overcomplicate what I am doing, this brief can be saved. Still need to finish the Times newspaper but nothing a full night of not sleeping wont solve!