Monday, 5 March 2012

Ruddy Pixel Content

OK, so from the scans/initial ideas for content of the magazine itself, I figured that I could lump a load of certain subjects together to constitute a full page.

I will include:

  • Contents page/splash page - This would include the "page 3" element mentioned in the scan.
  • Design/illustration - This would include looking at boxart for games and looking at associated works that other designers/illustrators have interpreted. This is a running theme. Each person mentioned will have a reference section at the end including contact details etc.
  • Lifestyle - This section will cover random gamers' lives, what they do on a daily basis and their general interests. This will have 2 every week, one professional designer/illustrator and a member of the public. They will answer some standard questions that will be applied every week for each interview. It will also include photos of their gamespace and collection of games. 
  • Charts - This is a predominant factor amongst gamer mags, except that Ruddy Pixel offers current sales charts of games with a counterpart chart that is picked by featured illustrator/designer or one of the staff.
  • Reviews - Standard. But with a difference, instead of gratuitous praise for games, reviewers will give both pros and cons. The idea behind our reviews is that we not only come to a conclusion, but we have a voice. A loud attitude that is in the vein of Ben Croshaw Yahtzee, breaking, shaking and sifting through the developers' grease to find the real game behind the graphics.
  • Batteries Not Included - This will tie in with the lifestyle section, looking in particular at LARPers and how they play their games, what happens when people break character and visa versa.
  • Fanbase - This will be the readers' page, A chance to answer and ask questions, both staff and readers are invited to provoke reactions and essentially let the readers have it off on a section.
  • Random Loot - This page is dedicated to the sheer scale and variety gamers go through to visualise their favourite games - in the guise of oddities and ridiculous photos. Includes a section on where to buy stuff related to the articles.
  • Pulling Chips/Pulling Pixels - This DBS focuses on a particular game and breaks it apart for critical analysis. Looking at historical references, gamer theory and issues concerning identity.

SO. To clarify the sections and their individual content...

  1. CONTENTS/Page 1-3: Front cover, contents page and the page 3 feature. It will be a character's silhouette that you have to guess, or a pretty girl in cosplay (PROBABLY NOT) or a particular piece of design/illustration that is particuarly sexy and relevant to the context.
  2. Random Loot: This section will start with designers/illustrators that have game-related work, looking in particular at their gaming lives and favourite games. The section will then lead into the oddities and products that can be bought or have been made by mad gamers. This is to give those not aligned with video games a taster of what the mag is about and allows high impact visuals and content that suits them and not just the gamer.
  3. Batteries Not Included - This section is where I will be looking in depth at the lifestyle and attitudes associated with gamers. LARPing phenomena, normal gamers and designers take the stand in this section.
  4. Soft Wars - This section is all about reviews across all platforms.
  5. Pulling Pixels: This is the gamer theory/mass discussion section that focuses on a particular game to break apart.
  6. Counter Charts - This is the charts section.
  7. Features: This section covers the info regarding contributors and guest features in the mag.

FORMAT: Need to decide quickly so I can start estimating word counts/fonts etc. SO I am going with either the Insight format or gamemaster's format.